Flowers to Kenley

Hi and welcome we are your local florist in Kenley delivering flowers to all of Kenley and surrounding areas. order now on We get fresh flowers delivered everyday so pick up the phone now and call your local Kenley florist on 02086602669. We've beeen established for over 30 years, organising beautiful, bespoke bouquets delivered to your door in Kenley by our lovely friendly drivers. we have fresh flowers delivered to our kenley shop every day. Your Kenley florist is open to take your call Monday-Friday 9-5 Saturday9-1, our skilled staff will help you with your selection. Order before 2pm for same day delivery to Kenley on 0208 660 2669, call your local kenley florist now, for delivery to kenley

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Love You Mum Gift Box £43.00Buy Now
Mothers Day Bouquet £45.00Buy Now
Rather Lovely Mothers Day Bouquet £55.00Buy Now
Love You Mum Bundle £63.00Buy Now