Shirley Florist

Welcome to your affordable Shirley florist, delivering flowers to Shirley and surrounding areas, we can deliver flowers to the shirley area, just place your order by 2pm and our creative florists in shirley will create your beautiful bouquets. Flollow us on instagram and facebook for inspiration for delivery to Shirley.We make the most beautiful flowers and deliver to Shirley. We are your shirley florist delivering flowers to shirley. Sending flowers with flair and passion to shirley. Our local florist in shirley deliver same day for just £6.00. You can order online today at orcall your shirey florist today on 0208 660 2669 for your shirley flowers.  Our shirley flower shop has fresh flowers delivered every day. The shirley flower shop is open 9am – 5.00pm, monday-friday and saturday 9-1. Your friendly shirley florist. flowers to shirley made simple. we are your affordable florist in shirley, the best florist in shirley and are your nearby florist in shirley

Classic Spring Bouquet £42.00Buy Now
Spring Trending Vase £50.00Buy Now
Lovely Classic Spring Bouquet Without Lilies £55.00Buy Now
Luxury Trending Spring Bouquet £65.00Buy Now